I've been a shooter for many years. I've used firearms in almost every shooting environment out there, recreational, competition, everyday concealed carry, wartime, peacetime,training, trainer, you name it, I've probably done it at one point or another. Over the years I've found out that there are tips, tricks, and rules that nobody ever tells you. Some are common sense, some are a little more...esoteric and particular to the shooting culture. I'm not talking about rules everyone knows like, "A gun is always loaded, especially when it's not" and "always keep a gun pointed in a safe direction" Nowadays those are printed in every users manual when you buy a new gun. I'm talking about stuff that is largely unspoken, or learned the hard way, like when you mess up and do it yourself. All of this I picked up over the years by experience. Here we go, in the order of "As they come to me as I'm writing this":
1. Never insult a guy's piece.
This is one that should make immediate sense. You don't know the story of someone's gun. Maybe he spent years building it into what it is, only you don't like the color. Or, God forbid, that ancient 4 foot long musket he insists is the best deer gun in the world was his Grandaddy's gun. Anytime you insult someone else's gun, you are playing with fire. This is like a direct insult to his competency with the gun in question and his masculinity all in one. I don't know if this is true for girls, but it certainly is for guys. I'm no exception. True story; I was at the range with my favorite 1911, a '94 Springfield Operator that I bought from a buddy in the Army. The guy who owned it, and later myself, have spent many years turning it into a precision machine, like a Swiss clock. But one day at the range, some yahoo saw I had skateboard tape grips and needed to inform me that those grips are crap and in fact can mess up your gun, and I better switch to Houge grips if I want to have a good gun. I was two seconds away from beating him over the head with that nice heavy 1911.
Now, blanket statements about certain manufacturers are ok, but even then, you have to couch it properly. For instance, I hate Taurus'. Hate them. In particular, the Millennium and 24/7 series. Why do I hate them? Can't hit diddly squat with them. But my best friend can. Hate him. However, in the face of a Taurus owner, I would say "I just don't like them very much. Can't shoot with them." See, or maybe a general "I just don't like Glocks." As long as its all Glocks, and not that particular persons.
Which brings me to my next point:
2. Sometimes, a gun just won't agree with you.
I hate Taurus'. I do. I hate them because I can't shoot them. My best friend can shoot them, and it annoys the crap out of me, because the prices for Taurus' are great. I have to shell out at least $450 if I want a handgun I can hit with. Sometimes you will have a gun that just won't agree with you, and you can't hit anything. It's a crappy situation, but sometimes the only thing you can do is trade your heater in and try a new one.
3. Somedays you suck .
Ever had that day where you get to the range and your girlfriend or wife is shooting better than you? For some reason you couldn't hit Barney the dinosaur if his stupid face was two feet in front of you? It happens to everybody. In the military its called Jonie, because that's the guy who will randomly show up during any endeavor and screw you. He will move your target while your bullet is flying. He will hit on your girl while you are deployed. He will turn up the heat on the sun and make it 95 in November. The best thing to do about this situation is realize that obviously you have angered the gun deities somehow and go and make an animal sacrifice.
4. The guy with the Mosin-Nagant will beat you .
Whether we admit it or not, we are all in competition with all the other guys at the range that day. Knowing this, we are keeping a mental score of who's good and who wields their gun like a palsy victim. For some reason, the guy with the $100 Russian cheapo rifle that was made in 1941 will get tighter groupings at 100 yards than the guy with the $700 Remington 700 police edition rifle with a scope. Happens all the time.
5. Make sure your concealed carry weapon is well balanced and hidden .
This is important and less about etiquette and more about not giving away your secret weapon. Make sure that when you have your concealed carry on yo, it is in a place that doesn't overly weigh down one side of your body or clothing. Like a jacket pocket. A Glock will fit in a jacket pocket, but you can tell something is weighing down the side its on. Make sure you counter balance the weight with something else on the other side. Inside the pants carry, make your you have a belt that can hold up the weight of the gun. The whole point is to not let people know you're packing.
6. Unless they ask, no one cares .
Unless someone asks you, no one cares about the myriad history and features of your gun. Shut up.
7. Learn to identify and avoid "Mall Ninjas" .
If you don't know what a Mall Ninja is, think of a guy who buys a bunch of tactical gear and accessories (5.11 pants, combat boots, rail add-ons for whatever AR-15 variant they have), always talking about "tactical weapons" and situations, and probably carries the biggest most ostentatious weapon for their "concealed carry". Their tactical experience doesn't range beyond Rainbow Six and S.W.A.T. with Colin Farrell. They might know the jargon, but odds are, they've never "pied a corner" in real life and probably do it wrong anyway. They are attracted to high dollar weapons, because if it costs more, it must be better. Almost certainly an HK fan (Because you suck. And we hate you) The chronicle of the original Mall Ninja, Gecko45, can be found here: here
8. Every shooter is a little "Mall Ninja". Embrace it.
Everyone has a gun, or wishes they had a particular gun, just because they think its cool. I have two; my SCAR and one that is still on my wish list, an M29 DCWS. Or at least a replica, I'm not that crazy...
Anyhoo, we all have a gun we want or have because of the "coolness" factor. Whether it's because its awesome, or "tacticool". Its ok, it doesn't make you a Mall Ninja.
9. Always have a large stockpile of ammo, just in case the zombie apocalypse starts or the Ruskies invade.
No further explanation necissary.
1. Never insult a guy's piece.
This is one that should make immediate sense. You don't know the story of someone's gun. Maybe he spent years building it into what it is, only you don't like the color. Or, God forbid, that ancient 4 foot long musket he insists is the best deer gun in the world was his Grandaddy's gun. Anytime you insult someone else's gun, you are playing with fire. This is like a direct insult to his competency with the gun in question and his masculinity all in one. I don't know if this is true for girls, but it certainly is for guys. I'm no exception. True story; I was at the range with my favorite 1911, a '94 Springfield Operator that I bought from a buddy in the Army. The guy who owned it, and later myself, have spent many years turning it into a precision machine, like a Swiss clock. But one day at the range, some yahoo saw I had skateboard tape grips and needed to inform me that those grips are crap and in fact can mess up your gun, and I better switch to Houge grips if I want to have a good gun. I was two seconds away from beating him over the head with that nice heavy 1911.
Now, blanket statements about certain manufacturers are ok, but even then, you have to couch it properly. For instance, I hate Taurus'. Hate them. In particular, the Millennium and 24/7 series. Why do I hate them? Can't hit diddly squat with them. But my best friend can. Hate him. However, in the face of a Taurus owner, I would say "I just don't like them very much. Can't shoot with them." See, or maybe a general "I just don't like Glocks." As long as its all Glocks, and not that particular persons.
Which brings me to my next point:
2. Sometimes, a gun just won't agree with you.
I hate Taurus'. I do. I hate them because I can't shoot them. My best friend can shoot them, and it annoys the crap out of me, because the prices for Taurus' are great. I have to shell out at least $450 if I want a handgun I can hit with. Sometimes you will have a gun that just won't agree with you, and you can't hit anything. It's a crappy situation, but sometimes the only thing you can do is trade your heater in and try a new one.
3. Somedays you suck .
Ever had that day where you get to the range and your girlfriend or wife is shooting better than you? For some reason you couldn't hit Barney the dinosaur if his stupid face was two feet in front of you? It happens to everybody. In the military its called Jonie, because that's the guy who will randomly show up during any endeavor and screw you. He will move your target while your bullet is flying. He will hit on your girl while you are deployed. He will turn up the heat on the sun and make it 95 in November. The best thing to do about this situation is realize that obviously you have angered the gun deities somehow and go and make an animal sacrifice.
4. The guy with the Mosin-Nagant will beat you .
Whether we admit it or not, we are all in competition with all the other guys at the range that day. Knowing this, we are keeping a mental score of who's good and who wields their gun like a palsy victim. For some reason, the guy with the $100 Russian cheapo rifle that was made in 1941 will get tighter groupings at 100 yards than the guy with the $700 Remington 700 police edition rifle with a scope. Happens all the time.
5. Make sure your concealed carry weapon is well balanced and hidden .
This is important and less about etiquette and more about not giving away your secret weapon. Make sure that when you have your concealed carry on yo, it is in a place that doesn't overly weigh down one side of your body or clothing. Like a jacket pocket. A Glock will fit in a jacket pocket, but you can tell something is weighing down the side its on. Make sure you counter balance the weight with something else on the other side. Inside the pants carry, make your you have a belt that can hold up the weight of the gun. The whole point is to not let people know you're packing.
6. Unless they ask, no one cares .
Unless someone asks you, no one cares about the myriad history and features of your gun. Shut up.
7. Learn to identify and avoid "Mall Ninjas" .
If you don't know what a Mall Ninja is, think of a guy who buys a bunch of tactical gear and accessories (5.11 pants, combat boots, rail add-ons for whatever AR-15 variant they have), always talking about "tactical weapons" and situations, and probably carries the biggest most ostentatious weapon for their "concealed carry". Their tactical experience doesn't range beyond Rainbow Six and S.W.A.T. with Colin Farrell. They might know the jargon, but odds are, they've never "pied a corner" in real life and probably do it wrong anyway. They are attracted to high dollar weapons, because if it costs more, it must be better. Almost certainly an HK fan (Because you suck. And we hate you) The chronicle of the original Mall Ninja, Gecko45, can be found here: here
8. Every shooter is a little "Mall Ninja". Embrace it.
Everyone has a gun, or wishes they had a particular gun, just because they think its cool. I have two; my SCAR and one that is still on my wish list, an M29 DCWS. Or at least a replica, I'm not that crazy...
Anyhoo, we all have a gun we want or have because of the "coolness" factor. Whether it's because its awesome, or "tacticool". Its ok, it doesn't make you a Mall Ninja.
9. Always have a large stockpile of ammo, just in case the zombie apocalypse starts or the Ruskies invade.
No further explanation necissary.